Become a member

What does being a member of Bongai Shamwari mean?

For us

Whether passive, or active our members are the foundation of our work. Only due to our members can we act as a Trust. This is why ongoing exchange – be it through the newsletter, the homepage, our yearly gathering, or via the joined discussion of essential topics such as the development of our vision – is an important foundation and guideline of our work. The yearly membership fee forms a financial foundation on which we can build. It secures that our basic costs are covered. This is why transparency and openness are important for the Trust. Major investments in particular have to be borne by our members. Active participation is also important and is not necessarily connected to an official function. Esp. for our many fundraising campaigns we regularly need helping hands. Consider this beautiful statement by Resi Beekes.

For you

Firstly the membership simply means financial support of the Trust’s goals via the yearly fee:

  • 48,00 Euro (standard)
  • 24,00 Euro (discount for pupils, students, unemployed people)

The monthly costs are determined based on the month you join the Trust (e.g. if you join in October 2019, then the fee for 2019 is 12,00 Euro, standard, or 6,00 Euro if discount applies). You will of course receive a receipt. Your personal belonging to the Bongai Shamwari family surely has many benefits. The Trust’s size and structure are straightforward, with close contact to other members and the steering committee, if desired.


Become a member now

Become a part of the Bongai Shamwari family! Please complete the following form to apply for membership. You will receive a warm welcome in no time.

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